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Our students hail from dozens of Chicago-land zip codes. Some of our students are close enough to walk, skate board, or bike to school, while others drive or meet their friends on Metra trains where they are picked up by the Wolcott shuttle. Nearby CTA trains and buses connect students to all city neighborhoods.
Shuttle Bus to Suburban METRA Trains Daily
Wolcott contracts with a private bus company to provide a daily morning and afternoon bus service. The bus stops at four Metra stations to pick up students in the morning. In the afternoon, the bus returns to each station at dismissal and again after Academic Coaching.
The scheduled stops are:
Van Buren Station
Ogilvie Station
Union Station
LaSalle Station
Intra Campus Shuttle Bus
During the school day, a private shuttle transports students to and from scheduled classes. Security personnel greets students at the entrances of campus buildings.

Wolcott is also accessible via CTA bus. The bus stops in the closest proximity to Wolcott are:
#50 Damen bus route stopping at Damen and Grand
#65 Grand bus route stopping at Grand and Wolcott
#66 Chicago bus route stopping at Chicago and Wolcott
All Wolcott students receive a Ventra card which entitles them to discounted fares on the CTA.
Many families have formed carpools. To locate families who live near you, please consult the Wolcott directory or reach out to Rachel Spiro at rspiro@wolcottschool.org.
A number of students travel to school by bike. Bikes can be safely locked directly outside of school during the school day.