Caleb Willitz
Instrumental Music
BM, Millikin University
Caleb Willitz graduated from Millikin University with a Bachelor of Music degree
emphasizing performance, producing, and arranging. Upon moving to Chicago in 2005
he initially worked as a recording engineer across many genres of music, eventually
finding a niche within the Chicago jazz and Creative Music communities.
Caleb is a 2014, 2015, 2018 DCASE award recipient, and a 2020 US Artist Fellowship
nominee in recognition of 15 years of performing, producing, and recording activities in
From 2005-2015 he operated an East Garfield Park recording studio, and currently
operates a production studio in the Fine Arts Building in the Chicago Loop.
During years of exploring many diverse musical activities, Caleb has always worked as
a music educator, and maintained a roster of dedicated private students.